Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Little Rose

As the semester work came to an end, I wanted to spend some time free. So I went to meet an old friend, a little rose. Poor girl, she was covered with dust and her legs were buried in the cement mixed soil. I quickly cleaned the place and removed the unwanted plants threatening her. Then suddenly she noticed me and sighed 'Hello Sir! how are you ?'.
me: "I am fine. I just finished my semester. I was worried by these recent constructions. So I thought of meeting you. After looking at your state, I am more worried."
rose: "Thanks for coming. I am fine. I don't care about my life and you know that. Let the rubble plunge over me and kill me. It does not matter. All through my life I did what I am meant to do. Please don't worry about me."
me: "I know you will say this. But I can't be quiet about this. I will do whatever I can to save you."
rose: "Thanks for your help. You are my good friend. So how was your semester ? How did you do ?"
me: "It was great. I learned a lot during this semester. I had my favourite subject 'Operating systems'. Other courses were interesting too. One of them was 'Digital system testing'. There were many interesting assignments and I did a good job."
rose: "Nice"
me: "But I could not finish one assignment in time. As the professor was kind, he told me to show it in the next semester."
rose: "Now forget about the old things. It's holiday time. How are your friends ?"
me: "They are fine. I had small problems with some friends."
rose: "Oh ! I told you not to make bad friends. You will end up hurting yourself."
me: "Yes, you told me. But as you know, my heart is still weak."
rose: "From now on be careful. You are my good friend. You cannot make mistakes. See how strong I am. Nothing ever moves me. I work in the hot sun and still don't get recognition. Not even as you get."
me: "I understand. We humans have to learn a lot from you."
rose: "Yes"
me: "No matter how much hard you work, many people cannot recognise you. They are just blind."
rose: "But I am happy that at least you recognise me. You are my good friend."
me: "Yes. That's why I came here. I thought I can stop others from hurting you. But I could not do even such a small thing. But how blind people are that they throw rubble on you?"
rose: "I cannot stop them from hurting me. I am destined to do only my work and I do not care to warn them even."
me: "May be you are too mean on them. But I cannot be. I will do something."
rose: "Oh good friend ! it is very nice that you are becoming strong. But be careful not to make any mistakes. Do right and fear nobody."
me: "Thanks for the suggestion. It's getting late. I have to leave now."
rose: "All right. Thanks for spending time with me. I Love you. Bye !"
me: "Love you too. Bye Bye ! I will surely meet you when I return."

Friday, November 27, 2009

raa raa rajiva locana rama nannu brocutaku

I want to exclusively have some posts on bhakti songs. If you are not interested in these songs or any of these religious stuff, then this blog is temporarily closed for you. I want to have freedom on what I post. I do not want to write attractive or funny posts, to gain fans.

rA rA rAjIva lOcana rAma nannu brOcutaku
[ra ra - come, nannu brocutaku - to help me, shritajana mandara - greater helper for the poor, karuna - mercy ]
Meaning:Oh Rama ! please come and help me.
Almost every song has this meaning, in some way or the other.

Era nI karuNa galgani kAraNamEmO gAnarA mArAri vinuta
shubada sucarita parAtpara dharaNija manOhara
[ era - why ?, ni(your) karuna(mercy) galgani(can't get)
karanamemo (what might be the reason) - why can't I have your mercy ....]

These are the most beautiful lines of the song. Oh rama, why can't I get your mercy ? It considers ramaha as a friend and asks him why don't you shower mercy on me. The ultimate realization comes when you find god in yourself.

nIvE nA vibhuDani niratamu nI padamulanu neranammiti
nIvAdani nannu karuNinci I vELa nAcai viDuvakura
dEva dEva dasharatha nrupa nandana dashamukhAdi sakala
ripuguNa haraNa nIvanAdharaNa sEyakurA pavanajApta shrI vAsudEva
[nivE- you, vibhudani - taken as god, niratamu - always, nI - your, padamulanu- your feet, neranammiti - I always prayed your feet, nIvadani - your person, nannu - me, karuninci - show mercy, ee (I) - now, vELa - time, nAcai - my hand, viDuvakura - don't leave...]

I don't know how to convey music through writing. But if you were to listen to these lines, you will be sound struck by the sweetness of the song.
Meaning:Oh rama, you are my god. I always believed in you. I am your friend. Please help me. Don't leave my hand now. Oh deva deva.

Sometimes when you listen to these songs, you feel like you are talking to your best friend. As you believe in your friends, you too start believing in this imaginary friend. Nothing ever bothers you. Life goes peacefully.

So simple are the lryics and they are splendidly sung. And hence they always attracted me.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Nagumomu Ganaleni Naajaali

Nagumomu Ganaleni Naajaali Delisi

Nannu Brova Raa Raadaa ? Sri Raghuvara! Ni


[Nagumomu=smile-lit face, Ganaleni=can't see/imagine, Naajaali=my difficulty, Nannu=me, Brova=protect, Raa Raadaa=why not come]

Meaning:How difficult it is to imagine your charming smile-lit face ? O Sri Raghuvara ! please come and help me.


It is so difficult to ever think of the face of god. With so many lewd stuff, is it ever possible to imagine the beautiful faces of the Sita and Ram ?

If you are attracted by a person's beauty, is it possible to come out of his/her dreams ?

If you like a sexy hero/heroine, won't you put his/her face in every damn place ?(Walls, desktops, orkut, facebook, ...) Given that you have the least chance to meet him/her ever.

Finally, if you are ever attracted by sex, is it ever possible to think anything else ?


Jagamele Paramaatma! Evarito Moralidudu
Vagajupagu Taalanu Nannelukora Tyagarajanutani

[Jagam ele=one who is ruling the world, Paramaatma=great soul, Evarito = To whom, Moralidudu=should i tell my grievances, Vaaga chupaku=don't show disregard, Taalanu=can't bear, Nannelukora=rule me, Tyagaraja anuta=one who is followed by Tyagaraja]

Meaning: O ruler of the world ! Parama Aatma ! Whom can I appeal to ? Please shun disregard. I cant bear it. Take me into your fold.


O lord ! You are the only one who can help me. Please help me by virtually ruling me. Help me in overcoming my worldly desires.

Links: Nagumomu

[Time taken: 25 min]

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

UrakE galguna rAmuni bhakti ?

I have decided to write small blog entries. A big post takes a lot of time and I can't devote so much time now. Assume that my blog is the outcome of my happiness, when it overflows :P

Here is the song which made me so happy:
"UrakE galguna rAmuni bhakti", which means "will you get the bakthi of Rama (devotion to Rama), just like that, for free ?" [Urake - for free; galguna - will you get]

What a weird question ? People often think of getting good jobs, girl/boy friends, etc. But for a person, to whom everything in this world is filled with the single word "Rama", it is a good question. He might be thinking why would not others become devotees of Rama. The person here is the great TyagaRaju.

Following is the conclusion which he comes to:

"sArekunu samsAramuna jocci, sAramani encu vAri manasuna, UrakE kalgunA rAmuni bhakti?"

Would devotion to Rama arise in those minds, who are ever immersed in Worldly life, thinking that it's real.
[ sArekunu - ever, samsAramuna - worldly life, jocci - immersed, saramu - substance, ani - think, enuchu - consider, vAri - in those, manasuna - minds ]

"rAjasa guNa yukta pUjalanu onarincaka, tyAgarAjuni jihvapai rAjillu, vara mantra rAjamunu sadA japincu maharAjulaku gAka, UrakE kalgunA rAmuni bhakti?"

Would devotion towards SrI rAma arise spontaneously excepting for those great people who, instead of performing desire-oriented worships, ever chant the tAraka nAma – the king of all sacred syllables - shining in the tongue of this tyAgarAja? [ copied from another site, no time to give my own interpretation ]

Great thinking, isn't it.

Link 1 & Link 2

Friday, October 16, 2009


Exebit, the CSE department fest of IIT Madras, is going to be conducted in February next year.

Here is the list of events that will be held in exebit.

Online events

Onsite events

Huge cash prizes will be given away for all the events. The description for the events can be found in the links. For more information about exebit visit

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Things I do

What can be funnier than the things I do daily ? I do all kinds of crazy things and they are bound to be funny. Here is the list:

1) When a monkey comes to my room, I welcome it. Somehow I think that they understand hindi well. So I use my "thoda thoda" hindi. When it tries to enter, with all disrespect, I was shouting "jaaoy ! ". But it entered my room, it becomes my guest :P. Now it can do anything. It can sit and watch a Movie or search the wardrobe for food.
I tell this old encounter with a monkey to all my friends " Once a monkey came to my room and sat on the chair beside me. ( I have two chairs, one for me and other for books ). Then it started staring at the monitor. With full anger I started shouting "jaaoy! What the hell are you seeing ? ". So it too got angry and suddenly jumped. Luckily, it didn't jump over me. Instead it jumped towards the monitor. There is a banana lying before the monitor. It snatched the banana and went off. In general, I point the monkey towards the food. Otherwise they will waste a lot of time searching, even though they are IIT monkeys.
Yesterday morning, another monkey entered my room and I didn't notice it until it reached my bed. I was sitting before the computer, doing my work. I did not care this time. Let it take what ever it likes. It took the fruits on the bed and went off. I felt very happy as the fruits are rotten and I was in a mood to throw them off.
I feel that monkeys are also good. Just like us, they work hard to find food. When a monkey comes, I point it to the food, so that I can eat peacefully and leave. But the bad thing is that they don't put the plastic covers and bottles back into the dustbin. They throw them everywhere.
Sometimes I think that monkeys are really crazy. When I went out leaving my room open, one monkey took my water jug and threw it down. Poor bottle ! Though it's maker marked it "unbreakable", it fell from two floors and died. I stored it as an antique. It is my best water jug and it's replacement was not even half cute as it was. For all the havoc the monkey created, I quoted it as "brianless". ( brainless: the most common word I use )

2) I talk to all animals (:P). This quirky behaviour leaves many of my friends puzzled and perplexed. I suddenly say "hi" seeing some animal. If somebody was there beside me, they start searching who is there. Some friends are used to this and they don't complain.
When I was a little child, I used to be afraid of lizards and other petty animals. But now I fear them less. Sometimes I like the little squirrels, and just born lizards.
Birds are one of my favourite creatures. IIT M has wide variety of birds. They fly in groups from north to south in the morning and south to north in the evening. [ only a few kinds of birds ]

3) I love the trees, the greenery. That is why I became the garden secretary. "What's there in trees ? Are you going to f___ them ?" asked a senior when I said that I love the trees in the campus. Many people in the insti don't recognize the gifts bestowed upon them. Mere understanding is love. [ no philosophy in this post ]

4) I cry when I make a grave mistake or when I see a senti movie :). Grave mistakes never happen often. The first time I cried after coming to insti was for a silly thing which appeared grave then. I cried before SVV. I installed fedora linux in the computer room, without permission, and it removed the boot loader. The tech sec pained me and told me to meet svv. And he too pained me. Then I started crying :). It looks so silly now. I wrote a boot loader on my own. [ just fart ] And I cried for such a silly thing. But I fixed what I did myself :) . It was not a simple thing. The previous boot loader was lilo and later it got 3 oses with grub as boot loader. [ sorry for being too technical ]

Coming to crying for senti reasons, I do it for "feel good" reasons. If you really get attached to the character, you can feel the pain he goes through. But I hate telugu movies, especially the modern ones. They contain too much senti and the actors can't even portray half the senti of the scene.

5) I like to pain people when I am very sleepy. Many a people say that I am more than a drunkard when I am sleepy. All the restrictions are lifted and I speak whatever comes to my mind, never caring about the other person.
I think that I can write well when I am sleepy. But it turns out to be false. The last post, which I wrote at morning 5, had many mistakes. I edited it again.

The list has many more things which are not worth mentioning. For example, I was wearing a torn pant and a worn out t-shirt from 2 days.

Song of the week: Jaya jaya jaya janaki kaanta (
Next post detail: "why should we study?"

Sunday, August 30, 2009

shreeman naaraayaNa


shrIman nArAyaNa shrIman nArAyaNa
shrIman nArAyaNa nI shrIpAdame sharaNu


kamalAsati mukhakamala kamalahita
kamalapriya kamalekShaNA
kamalAsanahita garu.dagamana shrI
kamalanAbha nI padakamalame sharaNu


parama yogijana bhAgadheya shrI
paramapuruShA parAtparA
paramAtmA paramANurUpa shrI
tiruveN^kaTagiridevA sharaNu

Puzzled by the above lines. They are the lyrics of a beautiful song called "shreeman naaraayaNa".

I am very interested in music. Before entering IIT, my interest in music was limited. But after joining IIT, this interest attained many hues. This is due to the exposure to different kinds of people and cultures. I started listening to all kinds of music. This is typical of all IITians. But the same environment refined this interest to one which is so powerful that it changed my life. A beautiful element, hidden from a long time, started emerging. With this the other hues started fading, leaving the beautiful golden one. The musical interest became so powererful that it could potentially drive me without any other source of energy.

But what is this beautiful element, the golden chunk of music, which can drive a human ?
Why did it take so much time to show itself to me ?

Answer to the latter is not completely known to me. I only feel that I am lucky. The primary reason is that this golden chunk is hidden. A sown seed, which never comes out unless you water it. For me, the first time I heard the golden music, is when I did the yes+ course(plz google for it). Later in many music concerts , I listened to them. I felt that those who can sing these are very lucky. For I have lost the chance to sing long back, I only listen to them.

The answer to the former is the set of songs similar to the one in the start of this post. The correctness of this answer is only known to the heart deep inside. No evidence can prove the correctness. For its proof is not unique and also varies with time.

These beautiful songs have another trait. These songs give life to another identity, which I call "god", describing it so beautifully that you will forget yourself.

If these songs are so great, why does not everybody listen to them ? Like any other great thing, attaining this "art" is not easy. The "art" here refers to the act of listening to these great songs. There are many difficulties in learning this "art". Many people fail in proving the greatness of this "art". Some fail to practise. ( I am of the second type )

What have I achieved by writing this ? It is a fact that changing people is impossible. I never expect anybody to change themselves after a blog. One has to change on their own. I am a strong believer of the argument that writers do not write until they are forced. Even this is an outcome of natural force on me. If everyone were to be gods, most of the literary writings would be waste.
Note: If you are interested in these kind of songs and want to listen more, please mail me. I have a habit of sending these songs to my friends. I can send you too. (Email:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

There's Plenty of time in the week

Though the title is deliberately derived from the famous Feynman's Talk "There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom", it is less catchy. Suggestions in this regard are welcome.

With the starting of classes, life became interesting. With petty classes in the start, it took some time to set the ball spinning. Till then it was just the inertia, which moved it. Now I just hope that it goes unstopped, gathering more mass.

That's all to be expected. But what came unexpected is interesting. Free time of 1-2 hours per day ! I can do anything during this time.

From long chats to photography, I enjoyed all the free time. Most of the interesting chat is with my "
committed friend". She dislikes me very much. We had a discussion on future life. I am free and happy person. For me life is a struggle. I like to work hard throughout my life. I hate the principle of "working for earning money". But the world lives it. I yearn to be one who works for his benefactor and not for the money he pays (Inspired from "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens). Personal life is an incentive for me. But life without it is sure to cease. There reason I believe is that I can get inspiration only from personal life. I do not want to formulate more on these baseless arguments. Let mystery still prevail to add spices to the life.

Though I am poor in English, I love literature. I became the class rep for my "world lit" minor course to force myself to speak in class. I like to experiment with myself.

Finally, on Saturday, we had a photo shoot of venky. For he is going to shave bald his head the next day. We took many pictures. He was very pained to take my pic, as I always look like a statue without smiling. So he used to crack a joke for taking my pic.

Movie seen in the week: Crash ( Eng movie ). It is about racism and extreme xenophobia in America.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy friendship day !

Most of these days, I live in boredom. Always doing my work. Though I should not comment on my work, I care less about its result. Doing my work alone, all the time, without any dreams of its success....:)

I get my inspiration from my friends and parents. But most of it comes from friends. Most of them are my old and now class mates, and wing mates. In my opinion, a life without friends is worthless. I thank God that I have few, but very good friends. Of these are people who revere me, hate me and like me. I learnt a lot from them.

I like to explain the reason for having few friends. Let us start from the school, where I did most of my schooling. I joined the school, in my 4th class. For one year, I never talked to anybody, except one. I still do not have any reason for my quietness. Slowly I started talking to others. Even when I was in 10th, I used to talk to only a bunch. But I never forget them. It is funny that, even now, there are many people, to whom I never talked to. I hope that my inherit selection brings me only good friends. But that's not always the case.

I still continue my calmness, hoping that I make more and more good friends.

Happy friendship day to all my friends !