Sunday, August 30, 2009

shreeman naaraayaNa


shrIman nArAyaNa shrIman nArAyaNa
shrIman nArAyaNa nI shrIpAdame sharaNu


kamalAsati mukhakamala kamalahita
kamalapriya kamalekShaNA
kamalAsanahita garu.dagamana shrI
kamalanAbha nI padakamalame sharaNu


parama yogijana bhAgadheya shrI
paramapuruShA parAtparA
paramAtmA paramANurUpa shrI
tiruveN^kaTagiridevA sharaNu

Puzzled by the above lines. They are the lyrics of a beautiful song called "shreeman naaraayaNa".

I am very interested in music. Before entering IIT, my interest in music was limited. But after joining IIT, this interest attained many hues. This is due to the exposure to different kinds of people and cultures. I started listening to all kinds of music. This is typical of all IITians. But the same environment refined this interest to one which is so powerful that it changed my life. A beautiful element, hidden from a long time, started emerging. With this the other hues started fading, leaving the beautiful golden one. The musical interest became so powererful that it could potentially drive me without any other source of energy.

But what is this beautiful element, the golden chunk of music, which can drive a human ?
Why did it take so much time to show itself to me ?

Answer to the latter is not completely known to me. I only feel that I am lucky. The primary reason is that this golden chunk is hidden. A sown seed, which never comes out unless you water it. For me, the first time I heard the golden music, is when I did the yes+ course(plz google for it). Later in many music concerts , I listened to them. I felt that those who can sing these are very lucky. For I have lost the chance to sing long back, I only listen to them.

The answer to the former is the set of songs similar to the one in the start of this post. The correctness of this answer is only known to the heart deep inside. No evidence can prove the correctness. For its proof is not unique and also varies with time.

These beautiful songs have another trait. These songs give life to another identity, which I call "god", describing it so beautifully that you will forget yourself.

If these songs are so great, why does not everybody listen to them ? Like any other great thing, attaining this "art" is not easy. The "art" here refers to the act of listening to these great songs. There are many difficulties in learning this "art". Many people fail in proving the greatness of this "art". Some fail to practise. ( I am of the second type )

What have I achieved by writing this ? It is a fact that changing people is impossible. I never expect anybody to change themselves after a blog. One has to change on their own. I am a strong believer of the argument that writers do not write until they are forced. Even this is an outcome of natural force on me. If everyone were to be gods, most of the literary writings would be waste.
Note: If you are interested in these kind of songs and want to listen more, please mail me. I have a habit of sending these songs to my friends. I can send you too. (Email:

1 comment:

Raga said...

Very nice. Brings back fond memories of more than 10 years ago when I was enrolled in Carnatic music class. This was one of my favorite songs! I love singing and music. Nothing like listening to a favorite song with inspiring lyrics to get me cheered up when I feel dull.