Monday, June 14, 2010

palukE bangAramAyenA kOdaNDapANi

By now most of you know that I am not well because of the fight with granny to force her to expiate her mistakes. And I am also trying to atone for my mistakes by doing good things :)

This translation is dedicated to Akarsh ji, who requested me for it long back. Here it goes:

Ragam : Ananda Bhiravi; Taalam : Adi


palukE bangAra mAyenA kOdaNDapANi

Split:paluke - your voice; banagaramu Ayena - became like gold ?, i.e. precious; kOdaNDa pANi -the wielder (pANi) (literally hand) of bow (kOdaNDa).

Meaning: O kodanda pani! O rama! your voice has become so rare like gold. Why don't you speak even a single word ?


palukE bangAramaye pilacina palukavEmi

kalalO nI nAmasmaraNa maravanu cakkanitaNDri

Split:palukE – your voice; banagaramaye – became gold; pilacina – if I call; palukavEmi – why don't you reply; kalalO – in my dream; nI – your; nAmasmaraNa – chant of your name; maravanu – can't forget; cakkani + taNDri – beautiful + father(god is equivalent to father in many religions);

Meaning: O unforgettable person! How much ever I call you, you never speak a single word. I can't forget your name even in my dreams. But still you never reply to me.


enta vEDina gAni suntaina daya rAdu

pantamu seya nenentaTi vADanu tanDri

Split:enta – how much; vEDina – request; gAni – but; sunta (little)+ ayina – even a little; daya – mercy, grace; rAdu – not coming; pantamu – being stubborn and adamant; seya – to do; nenu + entaTi – I + how big/great; vADanu – person; tanDri – father;

Meaning: How much ever I pray you, I don't get even a small drop of your mercy. How can you be stubborn at me ? I am puny little creature compared to you and is it right for you to act like that ?


sharaNAgatatrANa birudAnkituDavu kAvA

karuNincu bhadrAcala vara rAmadAsa pOSaka

Split: sharaNAgataha = sharaNu (request to help, to save) + Agataha (one who comes); sharaNAgataha + atrANa(one who is in problem, in a difficulty); birudu – title/award + AnkituDavu – dedicated to you; kAvA – aren't you that person; karuNincu – show mercy/pity; bhadrAcala – bhadrAcala hill; vara rAmadAsa – famous ramadasa ; pOSaka – one who helps and takes care of him;

Meaning: Aren't you titled the great savior of the needy ? O protector of bhadracala ramdasa! please show pity on me.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hi all,

Today I want to write about death. You can see that this is death 1. In this I will give my views and opinions about early death. Note that they may change in future.

Death, like birth, will happen only once in a lifetime and after that life ceases to exist. This is the reason why many are scared of death. But I am not. I believe that death is a way to relieve ourselves of this boring, painful life. I believe in Hindu mythology, where Sri Krishna says that death will never destroy the Atma. The comical explanation He gives to Dhanunjaya can be understood from this conversation:
partha: Hey paramatma! I can't kill all my relatives and friends. It is insane. Help me out. please :'(

adipurasha: Ha ha.. Who are you to kill ? Even if you aim your bow on the weakest person and try your best to kill that person, you cannot!

bharatarshabha: Why ? If I try my best, can't I kill a single person ? I am damn confused. JagamElE Paramatma! who else can I ask other than you. Please explain kAro.

madhusudana: Now listen carefully. What you can do is only an attempt, Karma. It is the only thing you can do. You can rise your bow and give your best attempt. But after that what happens is not in your hands. It is my decision. I am the one who delivers you the result. Therefore even if you try your best and I am not satisfied by you, you are gone! Nothing will work for you without my consent.
One more thing you have to note is that even if I allow you to kill that person, you can only kill his body. The atma inside him is indestructible. You think that he is dead, but he is only physically dead. Therefore don't be sad that you are killing your relatives and others. It is me who is doing everything. You are just an actor. And your aim is to follow dharma and kill the bad people. And you have to work in that direction. The result should not affect you. I will give you when I feel like :P

arjuna: Purushottama! I am enlightened! Thanks a lot. Now back to your work. Steer the chariot to the middle of the enemy crowd. I am going to try my best to kill them and you are there to actually kill them :)
Now after krishna's explanation, we understand that we should not be scared of death ever. Therefore lets discuss about more scary part, early death.

Simply said, death's purpose is not to die but to accomplish something by dying. Our aim is to follow dharma and in following it if we need to die, we should. We should not die in vain. Take for example my grandmother who died recently. Her aim was to reach heaven and she constantly tried. She prayed daily, helped whomever she could. In an attempt to reach Him, she did whatever she could. Finally one day he graced upon her and she left the world. Her aim was never to die, but to pray, help and teach people like me.

So far I explained that death is not the end and dieing should not be on purpose, but an outcome of following dharma. Classical example from Hindu religion is goddess parvathi. In her previous incarnation, she was named Sati and she immolated herself because of her father. After that she was born as Parvathi, the daughter of Himavanta.

Death of a person is unrelated to age. If you die young or old, the post death activities remain the same - crying and forgetting. Therefore I believe that it doesn't matter when we die but what we achieved by dieing. I end this entry by requesting all my friends not to believe in my existence. Life is like a puzzle and I don't know when the doors of death are going to open. All I know about it is that it is like a travel. We travel from our body to heaven or to another. And there is nothing to worry, just believe in god.
Note: Don't ask me why I am writing about these arbit things now.