I have decided to write small blog entries. A big post takes a lot of time and I can't devote so much time now. Assume that my blog is the outcome of my happiness, when it overflows :P
Here is the song which made me so happy:
"UrakE galguna rAmuni bhakti", which means "will you get the bakthi of Rama (devotion to Rama), just like that, for free ?" [Urake - for free; galguna - will you get]
What a weird question ? People often think of getting good jobs, girl/boy friends, etc. But for a person, to whom everything in this world is filled with the single word "Rama", it is a good question. He might be thinking why would not others become devotees of Rama. The person here is the great TyagaRaju.
Following is the conclusion which he comes to:
"sArekunu samsAramuna jocci, sAramani encu vAri manasuna, UrakE kalgunA rAmuni bhakti?"
Would devotion to Rama arise in those minds, who are ever immersed in Worldly life, thinking that it's real.
[ sArekunu - ever, samsAramuna - worldly life, jocci - immersed, saramu - substance, ani - think, enuchu - consider, vAri - in those, manasuna - minds ]
"rAjasa guNa yukta pUjalanu onarincaka, tyAgarAjuni jihvapai rAjillu, vara mantra rAjamunu sadA japincu maharAjulaku gAka, UrakE kalgunA rAmuni bhakti?"
Would devotion towards SrI rAma arise spontaneously excepting for those great people who, instead of performing desire-oriented worships, ever chant the tAraka nAma – the king of all sacred syllables - shining in the tongue of this tyAgarAja? [ copied from another site, no time to give my own interpretation ]
Great thinking, isn't it.
Link 1 & Link 2
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