I like to live the life of ideal characters, 'Ramaha', 'Shivaha', 'Anjaneya', 'Sita', etc. I am a old style person, and hence I like those characters. I also like carnatic and hindustani music. That's why many people don't like me :). Many don't like the music translations in my blog. There are many people who don't like many of my things and ways.
But the music translations which I write are for my favorite songs. I listen to them day and night and sing them all the time. I like to write about them. Similary Ram ji, Sita devi, Parvathiparameshwarau, etc., are my gods and friends from a long time. I can't take anybody else as ideal. But many people don't like it. They are not like me, or in other words, I am not like them. My granny once said "You are all like me. That's why I made friendship". But after some time, she said "You are not like me. I don't want to make friendship. Good bye". I felt very bad. After thinking for a long time, I decided not to make friends. And I stopped being friendly for a long time. During last summer, I didn't make any new friends at Google(except my mentors). I was scared that people will not like me because I am not like them. I was very sad. I don't want to reminisce those old sad, gloomy days. After coming out of that sadness, I understood many important things in life. Here they go:
- I don't need to be like others. I don't need to listen to latest music because lot of people do so. It is good to live like Rama, Krishna, etc.
- But now, people may not like you and don't make friendship. These days people have completely messed up definitions of friendship. If you show pity and try to help, they may not like it. But if another does, they accept it very happily. Sometimes showing pity itself is a crime. You will be hated and cursed.
- So how do you deal with so many weird people. They want you to act like them, or otherwise they won't like you. They want you to act nicely till the work is done and then leave. How to deal with such people?
- The solution is "Love". Ah! finally to the crux of the story. I just need to love all. Never hate. See through love and everything will fall straight. Once Slinky said "You should not see the world through these these black and white shades". He was right. We should not even have two labels like good, bad; love, hate; etc. We should just see through only one color, i.e. love. And everything will be clear.
- Love all your friends and make sure that you do it by not causing pain to them. Love will never cause pain to the lover or the beloved. Therefore love them and do things which will be good for your friends, but it should not be wrong doing. If your friend does wrongs, warn him/her and still he doesn't stop doing bad to the world, act against him if you are the right person to do so. And surely leave him, without hating.
- Love those who don't like your habits. Understand that they are innocent beings who are unable to accept you, as you are.
- "A friend in need is a friend in deed". You don't really need namesake friends, who don't need you unless there is work with you. You don't need such friends who can't love you back. A friend is one who can love you back like you love him/her. He may not help you sometimes, but that is because he/she might have felt that it is not right to help or he/she is busy.
- Love turns into care when you have to freedom to do so. Care doesn't mean pestering. It is very simple to understand. If you find that your friend is not well, you will ask him/her how he/she is and buy them a fruit or a biscuit packet if you can. This is care and you can do it for all your friends. Those who love you back will never hate you when you care about them.
- Love is one of the best ways to deal with people. Love is not work done to others. You don't love somebody because he/she works very well for you. You should never love for the work they have done. You should love all for they are all beings like you.
- Help is different from love. You may have preference in helping. In general, you like to help your mother more than your friend. This is because of the love they show. Your credits belong to all those who love you. It is because of them that you have come this far. Without them you are nothing. Therefore giving preference in helping is nothing wrong. And love decides the preference. In India we have a great tradition of taking guest as god. Here is a nice story which highlights that tradition: "There was once a little village, and in it there dwelt a poor Brahmin with his wife, his son, and his son's wife. They were very poor and lived on small gifts made to them for preaching and teaching. There came in that land a three years' famine, and the poor Brahmin suffered more than ever. At last when the family had starved for days, the father brought home one morning a little barley flour, which he had been fortunate enough to obtain, and he divided it into four parts, one for each member of the family. They prepared it for their meal, and just as they were about to eat, there was a knock at the door. The father opened it, and there stood a guest. Now in India a guest is a sacred person; he is as a god for the time being, and must be treated as such. So the poor Brahmin said, 'Come in, sir; you are welcome,' He set before the guest his own portion of the food, which the guest quickly ate and said, 'Oh, sir, you have killed me; I have been starving for ten days, and this little bit has but increased my hunger.' Then the wife said to her husband, 'Give him my share,' but the husband said, 'Not so.' The wife however insisted, saying, 'Here is a poor man, and it is our duty as householders to see that he is fed, and it is my duty as a wife to give him my portion, seeing that you have no more to offer him.' Then she gave her share to the guest, which he ate, and said he was still burning with hunger. So the son said, 'Take my portion also; it is the duty of a son to help his father to fullfil his obligations.' The guest ate that, but remained still unsatisfied; so the son's wife gave him her portion also. That was sufficient, and the guest departed, blessing them. That night those four people died of starvation". You can see that the poor brahmin gave preference to wife and children first and then to the guest. He gave his share to the guest. His wife and children also gave preference to the guest and gave their share to him. They gave preference to the guest more than themselves because the guest is in need and has pleaded them. Showing love/mercy is the greatest quality. Here, there is no question of "should I give to my son or the guest". But the question is "should I eat or my guest". And since helping is great, he chose it compared to his self need. That's the path less taken and hence it became the greatest sacrifice in history.
I conclude this post by pointing out to two AWESOME songs:
song1 song2
1. The brahmin story is taken from Vivekananda's "Secret of work".
2. If you want to know the meaning of the first song, check:
Look into your own self before you talk about others and spam people defaming and badmouthing about someone. Who do you think you are, Dharmaraj Yudhishthir ?
I don't know who you are. But I beg you not take anybody badly. I love them all. All the things and all the persons I mentioned. I never tried to judge somebody's actions. These were thoughts and actions of mine. I did not judge anybody except myself in this blog.
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