Friday, November 27, 2009

raa raa rajiva locana rama nannu brocutaku

I want to exclusively have some posts on bhakti songs. If you are not interested in these songs or any of these religious stuff, then this blog is temporarily closed for you. I want to have freedom on what I post. I do not want to write attractive or funny posts, to gain fans.

rA rA rAjIva lOcana rAma nannu brOcutaku
[ra ra - come, nannu brocutaku - to help me, shritajana mandara - greater helper for the poor, karuna - mercy ]
Meaning:Oh Rama ! please come and help me.
Almost every song has this meaning, in some way or the other.

Era nI karuNa galgani kAraNamEmO gAnarA mArAri vinuta
shubada sucarita parAtpara dharaNija manOhara
[ era - why ?, ni(your) karuna(mercy) galgani(can't get)
karanamemo (what might be the reason) - why can't I have your mercy ....]

These are the most beautiful lines of the song. Oh rama, why can't I get your mercy ? It considers ramaha as a friend and asks him why don't you shower mercy on me. The ultimate realization comes when you find god in yourself.

nIvE nA vibhuDani niratamu nI padamulanu neranammiti
nIvAdani nannu karuNinci I vELa nAcai viDuvakura
dEva dEva dasharatha nrupa nandana dashamukhAdi sakala
ripuguNa haraNa nIvanAdharaNa sEyakurA pavanajApta shrI vAsudEva
[nivE- you, vibhudani - taken as god, niratamu - always, nI - your, padamulanu- your feet, neranammiti - I always prayed your feet, nIvadani - your person, nannu - me, karuninci - show mercy, ee (I) - now, vELa - time, nAcai - my hand, viDuvakura - don't leave...]

I don't know how to convey music through writing. But if you were to listen to these lines, you will be sound struck by the sweetness of the song.
Meaning:Oh rama, you are my god. I always believed in you. I am your friend. Please help me. Don't leave my hand now. Oh deva deva.

Sometimes when you listen to these songs, you feel like you are talking to your best friend. As you believe in your friends, you too start believing in this imaginary friend. Nothing ever bothers you. Life goes peacefully.

So simple are the lryics and they are splendidly sung. And hence they always attracted me.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Nagumomu Ganaleni Naajaali

Nagumomu Ganaleni Naajaali Delisi

Nannu Brova Raa Raadaa ? Sri Raghuvara! Ni


[Nagumomu=smile-lit face, Ganaleni=can't see/imagine, Naajaali=my difficulty, Nannu=me, Brova=protect, Raa Raadaa=why not come]

Meaning:How difficult it is to imagine your charming smile-lit face ? O Sri Raghuvara ! please come and help me.


It is so difficult to ever think of the face of god. With so many lewd stuff, is it ever possible to imagine the beautiful faces of the Sita and Ram ?

If you are attracted by a person's beauty, is it possible to come out of his/her dreams ?

If you like a sexy hero/heroine, won't you put his/her face in every damn place ?(Walls, desktops, orkut, facebook, ...) Given that you have the least chance to meet him/her ever.

Finally, if you are ever attracted by sex, is it ever possible to think anything else ?


Jagamele Paramaatma! Evarito Moralidudu
Vagajupagu Taalanu Nannelukora Tyagarajanutani

[Jagam ele=one who is ruling the world, Paramaatma=great soul, Evarito = To whom, Moralidudu=should i tell my grievances, Vaaga chupaku=don't show disregard, Taalanu=can't bear, Nannelukora=rule me, Tyagaraja anuta=one who is followed by Tyagaraja]

Meaning: O ruler of the world ! Parama Aatma ! Whom can I appeal to ? Please shun disregard. I cant bear it. Take me into your fold.


O lord ! You are the only one who can help me. Please help me by virtually ruling me. Help me in overcoming my worldly desires.

Links: Nagumomu

[Time taken: 25 min]

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

UrakE galguna rAmuni bhakti ?

I have decided to write small blog entries. A big post takes a lot of time and I can't devote so much time now. Assume that my blog is the outcome of my happiness, when it overflows :P

Here is the song which made me so happy:
"UrakE galguna rAmuni bhakti", which means "will you get the bakthi of Rama (devotion to Rama), just like that, for free ?" [Urake - for free; galguna - will you get]

What a weird question ? People often think of getting good jobs, girl/boy friends, etc. But for a person, to whom everything in this world is filled with the single word "Rama", it is a good question. He might be thinking why would not others become devotees of Rama. The person here is the great TyagaRaju.

Following is the conclusion which he comes to:

"sArekunu samsAramuna jocci, sAramani encu vAri manasuna, UrakE kalgunA rAmuni bhakti?"

Would devotion to Rama arise in those minds, who are ever immersed in Worldly life, thinking that it's real.
[ sArekunu - ever, samsAramuna - worldly life, jocci - immersed, saramu - substance, ani - think, enuchu - consider, vAri - in those, manasuna - minds ]

"rAjasa guNa yukta pUjalanu onarincaka, tyAgarAjuni jihvapai rAjillu, vara mantra rAjamunu sadA japincu maharAjulaku gAka, UrakE kalgunA rAmuni bhakti?"

Would devotion towards SrI rAma arise spontaneously excepting for those great people who, instead of performing desire-oriented worships, ever chant the tAraka nAma – the king of all sacred syllables - shining in the tongue of this tyAgarAja? [ copied from another site, no time to give my own interpretation ]

Great thinking, isn't it.

Link 1 & Link 2