By now most of you know that I am not well because of the fight with granny to force her to expiate her mistakes. And I am also trying to atone for my mistakes by doing good things :)
This translation is dedicated to Akarsh ji, who requested me for it long back. Here it goes:
Ragam : Ananda Bhiravi; Taalam : Adi
palukE bangAra mAyenA kOdaNDapANi
Split:paluke - your voice; banagaramu Ayena - became like gold ?, i.e. precious; kOdaNDa pANi -the wielder (pANi) (literally hand) of bow (kOdaNDa).
Meaning: O kodanda pani! O rama! your voice has become so rare like gold. Why don't you speak even a single word ?
palukE bangAramaye pilacina palukavEmi
kalalO nI nAmasmaraNa maravanu cakkanitaNDri
Split:palukE – your voice; banagaramaye – became gold; pilacina – if I call; palukavEmi – why don't you reply; kalalO – in my dream; nI – your; nAmasmaraNa – chant of your name; maravanu – can't forget; cakkani + taNDri – beautiful + father(god is equivalent to father in many religions);
Meaning: O unforgettable person! How much ever I call you, you never speak a single word. I can't forget your name even in my dreams. But still you never reply to me.
enta vEDina gAni suntaina daya rAdu
pantamu seya nenentaTi vADanu tanDri
Split:enta – how much; vEDina – request; gAni – but; sunta (little)+ ayina – even a little; daya – mercy, grace; rAdu – not coming; pantamu – being stubborn and adamant; seya – to do; nenu + entaTi – I + how big/great; vADanu – person; tanDri – father;
Meaning: How much ever I pray you, I don't get even a small drop of your mercy. How can you be stubborn at me ? I am puny little creature compared to you and is it right for you to act like that ?
sharaNAgatatrANa birudAnkituDavu kAvA
karuNincu bhadrAcala vara rAmadAsa pOSaka
Split: sharaNAgataha = sharaNu (request to help, to save) + Agataha (one who comes); sharaNAgataha + atrANa(one who is in problem, in a difficulty); birudu – title/award + AnkituDavu – dedicated to you; kAvA – aren't you that person; karuNincu – show mercy/pity; bhadrAcala – bhadrAcala hill; vara rAmadAsa – famous ramadasa ; pOSaka – one who helps and takes care of him;
Meaning: Aren't you titled the great savior of the needy ? O protector of bhadracala ramdasa! please show pity on me.
thanks for posting the meaning in english! helped me in understanding the song!
It is very helpful. Can you please post the meaning of other charanams of the song as well ?
Thanks you very much from St. John's Newfoundland, Canada. Very well explained.
Never more beautifully rendered when graced my Dr. Balamuralikrishna garu. Brings tears to the eyes. Sri Rama Raksha
Wanted to know the meaning of the iravuga isukalona line as well please
Thank you SO MUCH for this translation. This was so useful.
Thank you for the blog post. Having a transliteration and translation in the same place helps not only the bhavam of the song but also the beauty of the poetic construction
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