Kashyap is a little kid -
- who likes to turn his way to the cry of a meow and say hi to it. The cat stumbled upon the sudden greeting of a human turns dumb till he leaves. But the little boy wanted the cat to say "hi".
- who likes to make his birthday party with the help of his family and call all his friends to his home. But his home is far away and only his sister lives near to him and she doesn't like to celebrate birthdays.
- who likes to whistle and wake up the dogs in the early morning. He would say "Good morning!" to them, but they would be lazy and ignore him.
- who thinks that he is a superman and takes up everything. But finally he finds that he is a normal human and struggles to finish the things he takes.
- who likes to fight kung fu with his elephant brother. But his brother has grown weak and his elephant trait has long vanished.
- who likes to fight with his sister saying "You are my monkey sister". But his sister would never say "You are my donkey brother".
- who likes to stay with his mother and work for her. But fate holds him tight and only lets him see his mother work for him all the time.
- who likes to make friends with all good people. But an old friend taught him that not everybody will be good to him and not everybody can love everybody.
- who likes to cry if somebody insults and accuses him. But his family would run and console him.
- who likes to live a good life with the help of his great lord Rama Chandra. But his lord never cared to look at him even once.