By now most of you know that I am not well because of the fight with granny to force her to expiate her mistakes. And I am also trying to atone for my mistakes by doing good things :)
This translation is dedicated to Akarsh ji, who requested me for it long back. Here it goes:
Ragam : Ananda Bhiravi; Taalam : Adi
palukE bangAra mAyenA kOdaNDapANi
Split:paluke - your voice; banagaramu Ayena - became like gold ?, i.e. precious; kOdaNDa pANi -the wielder (pANi) (literally hand) of bow (kOdaNDa).
Meaning: O kodanda pani! O rama! your voice has become so rare like gold. Why don't you speak even a single word ?
palukE bangAramaye pilacina palukavEmi
kalalO nI nAmasmaraNa maravanu cakkanitaNDri
Split:palukE – your voice; banagaramaye – became gold; pilacina – if I call; palukavEmi – why don't you reply; kalalO – in my dream; nI – your; nAmasmaraNa – chant of your name; maravanu – can't forget; cakkani + taNDri – beautiful + father(god is equivalent to father in many religions);
Meaning: O unforgettable person! How much ever I call you, you never speak a single word. I can't forget your name even in my dreams. But still you never reply to me.
enta vEDina gAni suntaina daya rAdu
pantamu seya nenentaTi vADanu tanDri
Split:enta – how much; vEDina – request; gAni – but; sunta (little)+ ayina – even a little; daya – mercy, grace; rAdu – not coming; pantamu – being stubborn and adamant; seya – to do; nenu + entaTi – I + how big/great; vADanu – person; tanDri – father;
Meaning: How much ever I pray you, I don't get even a small drop of your mercy. How can you be stubborn at me ? I am puny little creature compared to you and is it right for you to act like that ?
sharaNAgatatrANa birudAnkituDavu kAvA
karuNincu bhadrAcala vara rAmadAsa pOSaka
Split: sharaNAgataha = sharaNu (request to help, to save) + Agataha (one who comes); sharaNAgataha + atrANa(one who is in problem, in a difficulty); birudu – title/award + AnkituDavu – dedicated to you; kAvA – aren't you that person; karuNincu – show mercy/pity; bhadrAcala – bhadrAcala hill; vara rAmadAsa – famous ramadasa ; pOSaka – one who helps and takes care of him;
Meaning: Aren't you titled the great savior of the needy ? O protector of bhadracala ramdasa! please show pity on me.